100% Pass Results in Grade X CBSE Exams! Congratulations Team TYS!

100% Pass Results in Grade X CBSE Exams! Congratulations Team TYS!

Yet another feather in the cap of The Yenepoya School, with a 100% Pass Result in the Grade X CBSE Exams, where the Students have performed well and done their School proud!

          Here’s to the top five Students who had put in their best efforts and have performed exceptionally well. Saina Fathima Chilmi, 94.2%, Aarnav Alva, 93.6%, K. A. Nihala, 93.4%, Pratham R. Shetty, 93.2% and Vishnu P. Alokkan, 92.4%. 

          82 Students from The Yenepoya School appeared for this year’s CBSE Grade X Exams and we’re proud to announce that we’ve had 52 Students who got Distinctions, 25 Students who got a First Class and 5 Students with a Second Class, making it cent percent results all in all! Congratulations Team TYS and to all the Tenth Graders who have done themselves, their families and their School proud. Team TYS wishes you all a bright and prosperous future ahead!
