Karnataka Rajyotsava is celebrated on 1 November of every year. This was the day in 1956 when all the Kannada language-speaking regions of South India were merged to form the State of Karnataka. As per the directive of our respected District Commissioner, The Yenepoya School conducted an assembly in connection with the Karnataka Rajyothsava on 28 October, 2021. The programme was coordinated by the students of class 7 and the class teacher, Mrs. Vinette Fernandes. The programme began with a wonderful introduction by the MC, Ms Ayesha Nashwa. This was followed by the invocation of God’s blessings with a prayer by Mr Manbir Singh and a prayer song by the students of class 7. The School Anthem was played next, which filled all the participants with pride for being a part of an institution which makes them hold their heads high. Mr. Qaim Bin Thariq, took the pledge of behalf of the student body. A wonderful rendition of Kannada songs upholding the Kannada language and the eminence of the Karnataka state was sung by the teachers of The Yenepoya School. The MC invited our honorable Vice-Principal, Mr. Padmanabhan to speak a few words. He highlighted the importance of the day with his wonderful words. The event was concluded with the playing of the National Anthem.