United Empowerment Association
DK District Youth Leaders meet took place at Yenepoya School Mangalore on 11th October 2019 Friday, 4.30Pm,Where 142 youth leaders of all parts of DK District Participated.
In this session we had a Briefing about how UEA works and what their future plan is. Lots of discussions took place with great results. Finally, DK District Formation was done with The Action of Work
We had very successful UEA District Meet with great support from The Administration of The Yenepoya School. We From UEA wholeheartedly Thank The Principal, Joseph Sir, Campus Director, Mishria Ma'am, Vice- Principal, Reshma Nayak, Faculty Members - Mumtaz Guthigar & Anil D'sa. Hoping for Many more events under your Guidance and support